Gentleman Tea Ceremony 君子茶禮


君子茶禮 Gentleman (Junzi君子) Tea Ceremony
"Teacher Appreciation Thanksgiving Festival" gentleman tea ceremony
  Date:2010/10/12 ~ 2011/10/30
  Time:3:00 – 3: 30 pm,Tues. to Fri.
     10:00 – 10:30 am, Sat.
     9:00 – 9:30 am, 3:00 – 3:30 pm, Sun.

Pics 照片:

On the 28th of September, 2010, we celebrated the 2560th anniversary of Confucius’ birthday with the Gentleman’s Tea Ceremony to show our gratitude towards all teachers. The Gentleman’s Tea Ceremony is performed in the “Thanking Ritual for Teachers” to show the tea culture in Taiwan as well as to express gratefulness towards teachers.
Confucius: “With righteousness as his substance, the gentleman acts in accordance with the rites, expresses himself with humility, and is complete with trustworthiness. He is a gentleman indeed!”
The Gentleman’s Tea Ceremony event step by step:
  • 1. Registration. Please arrive at the information counter thirty minutes before the event starts and remember to take a questionnaire sheet with you.
  • 2. Join the tea ceremony. Please follow our guides to your seat.
  • 3. Please stand up before the ceremony starts.
  • 4. Offering of tea to the Great Sage. Display and presentation of the tea arts. Offering our toast to Confucius with Gentleman’s tea.
  • 5. Praising with hymns. Read to Confucius, hymns and eulogy. Take the bow three times.
  • 6. Please be seated again.
  • 7. The first infusion. Getting to know the Gentleman’s Tea Ceremony. Follow the tea master’s instruction to toast your neighbors.
  • 8. The second infusion. Get to know Pouchong tea. The tea master will invite the participating guests to taste the tea.
  • 9. The third infusion. Get to know Taiwan tea arts.
  • 10. Finishing up of the ceremony. Stand up and bow three times to Confucius and bow to your neighbors in a gesture of respect and appreciation.
  • 11. Picture time. You can have a group picture taken with the tea master and friends.
  • 12. Return your questionnaire. Please fill in the questionnaire and return it to the information counter in exchange for a gift.
Dedicated to the Greatest Sage and Foremost Teacher with Tea Ceremony – Hymn and Eulogy
This year, it is time again to honor the great sage in Shidian Ceremony
Presenting sacrifices with the offering of tea and tea ceremony
To the Greatest Sage and Foremost Teacher - Confucius
The great virtue of our foremost teacher is like the light of the sun and moon shining on earth. His teachings contributed to the cultivation of the individual, the regulation of the family, the order of the state, and the peace of the world.
His work on the Six Classics greatly benefits generations of Chinese culture.
Confucius is recognized as the exemplary of teacher of all ages, and serves as a model to all mankind.
Here we present the Sacrificial Feast and pray for blessings for all the participants, while at the same time we pay tribute to the four Sages – Yanzi, Zenzi, Zisi zi, and Mencius.

May peace and wisdom come to all.
Advisory Board:Tourism Bureau, Republic of China (Taiwan)
Organizer:Taipei City Government
Executive Organizers:Department of Civil Affairs, Taipei City Government、Taipei Confucius Temple Governing Board
Supporters:Department of Information and Tourism, Taipei City Government、Research Association of Confucianism、R.O.C. Calligraphy Societ、International Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony Association、The Chinese Arts Dancing Ensemble
Chinese Classics Association

Location: Taipei Confucius Temple (No.275, Dalong St., Datong District, Taipei City)

Temple website:

Event website:

Contact info: 886-2-25560986

君子茶禮 Gentleman (Junzi君子) Tea Ceremony

Junzi 君子:  Confucius used this term to describe his ideal person. The functions of government and social stratification were facts of life to be sustained by ethical values; thus his ideal human was the junzi. Translated as: "gentleman", "superior person", "nobleman", or "exemplary person", the term literally means "lord's son".
Other translations:  Junzi Tea Ceremony, Noble Tea Ceremony

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  • 活動前準備:參加體驗的民眾活動前30分鐘報到
  • 祭儀:獻君子茶禮敬至聖先師<頌禮讚文>
  • 展演:茶道老師茶藝展演示範介紹(中文)
  • 體驗:舉辦茶會之前﹐必須讓參加者充份了解茶會進行的方式和精神。
  1. 1. 席次安排,請依工作人員指示入席
  2. 2. 祭儀:獻君子茶禮敬至聖先師<頌禮讚文>
  3. 3. 奉茶:奉三巡每道三杯,奉茶順序由左而右。
  4. 4. 謝師:第一杯敬獻師長或益友。
    擇其善者而從之,其不善者而改之。 」
  5. 5. 禮成 奉茶三巡後,即禮成。
  • 1. 報到 :活動前30分鐘至服務台報到,領取問券。
  • 2. 入茶席 :請依工作人員指示進入茶席。
  • 3. 起立 : 茶席開始,全體起立。
  • 4. 獻香茗 :茶藝展演示範,並獻君子茶禮敬至聖先師。
  • 5. 頌禮讚文 :全體頌禮讚文,禮敬三鞠躬。
  • 6. 就坐 :全體就坐。
  • 7. 第一泡茶 :認識君子茶禮,依茶藝師指示禮敬左右體驗者一杯茶。
  • 8. 第二泡茶 :認識包種茶,由茶藝師敬邀現場民眾進入茶席品茗體驗。
  • 9. 第三泡茶 :認識台灣茶藝。
  • 10. 禮成 :起身,向孔子禮敬三鞠躬禮、向左右體驗者行謝禮。
  • 11. 合照 :依工作人員引導集合合照。
  • 12. 繳回問卷 :問卷填妥後繳回服務台,兌換贈品。
    1. 活動時間: 中華民國100年7月24日~100年10月30日      週二至週五|下午3:00-3:30      週六|上午10:00-10:30      週日|上午10:00-10:30、下午3:00-3:30 報名方式:須於三天前用網路完成報名,      預約報名未額滿,接受現場報名,      並請參加民眾於活動前半小時到場準備。      每場以50人為限,額滿為止。 紀念品:
      • 論語書籤–盍各言爾志(備中英日韓版)
      • 祈福卡–許願祈福(備中英日韓版)
      • 學而智慧筆 (填問卷/備中英日韓版)
      獻君子茶禮敬至聖先師 <頌禮讚文>   維   中華民國九十九年,歲次庚寅,恭逢 聖誕釋奠   弟子○○○   謹以 香茗茶禮之儀,致祭於   大成至聖先師孔子 曰   惟   先師德侔天地 道貫古今 刪述六經 垂憲萬世   為生民之所未有 集往聖之大成。   茲當文化復興之日 正屬禮樂明倫之時   辟雍鐘鼓 咸格薦於馨香   泮水藻芹 悉至嚴乎籩豆   時當秋仲 祇率彝章 肅展微忱 聿昭祀典,以   復聖顏子 宗聖曾子 述聖子思子 亞聖孟子配   伏維 尚饗
            指導單位:交通部觀光局 / 主辦單位:臺北市政府 / 策劃執行:八識文創發展工作室
            臺北市政府民政局、臺北市孔廟管理委員會 版權所有

            活動地點:臺北市孔廟 (臺北市大同區大龍街275號)


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